How and Why P.S. 47 Alumni was formed

The Alumni of P.S. 47
by Walter J. Connolly, President
excerpt from The Voice, January 1919

Shortly after Miss Carrie W. Kearns took charge of P.S. 47 as Principal, the school graduated its first class. These first graduates with those pupils who did not wait to graduated, formed the first alumni of P.S. 47. In order to keep in touch with them, and to provide for a reunion of the teachers and alumni, Miss Kearns invited them at intervals to meet in the old school building on 23rd Street.

By 1916, P.S. 47’s alumni had been augmented by the graduation of few more classes and more former pupils. Miss Kearns then advised the election of officers and the formation of a permanent organization. This was done, and a committee of officers and alumni was formed to arrange meetings and to conduct whatever business was necessary.

Since then meetings have been held frequently. Last year on account of the conditions, only two meetings were held, but during the previous year, a meeting was held nearly every month. The usual program of a meeting includes a short address by Miss Kearns on the topics of the day, and whatever announcements are necessary. The rest of the time of thee meetings are devoted to the playing of games and to dancing or to some special entertainment.

The officers, lacked experience in conducting meetings and arranging games but by a great amount of diligent thinking and discussion they managed to arrange enjoyable programs. They hope to make the meetings still more successful and enjoyable and to make the organization achieve much in the way of profit and pleasure for the alumni.

These meetings give the former pupils a chance to meet their teachers and Miss Kearns and to talk about their work and their success, or their need of help. The pupils are also glad to meet each other and have a good talk. At our last meeting Mrs. Chester Jones brought her baby boy. He is a fine lad.

The officers are: Miss Kearns, honorary president; Walter Connolly, president; Milton Board, vice-president; Beatrice Osserman, treasurer; and John Maxey, secretary; Mary Meyer, the first treasurer, Lena Slom, and the officers form the executive committee for conducting business and arranging the programs of the meetings.