“47” is not just a number to our alumni and supporters – it represents fond memories of our days at “47”, our lifetime friendships and our beloved times at school. This is why the Milestone of “47” book has been revived to take you on a journey of “47” history throughout the past 110 years. Our goal is to have the “47” Milestone Book published sometimes in 2018. For more information about the school milestones framework, check out THIS page.
The committee for this book includes Dorothy Cohler ‘57, Chairperson; artist Hinda Kasher (former student); Steven Fertik ‘69; Betty Kasher ‘65; and William Newman ‘59.
Would you like to share your memories of “47” for the book planned for publication in 2018? Contact us at:
“47” Alumni Association of the Deaf, Inc.
“47” Milestone Book Committee
225 East 23rd Street – Room 216
New York, NY 10010
Please be sure to include your name and the year you graduated or left.
We deeply appreciate your support. Thank you!
Page last updated: August 21, 2016