Persons especially History Bluffs may visit the alumni room to view Moses E. Josephs Auditorium Grand Re-Opening on Fridays between 11 am to 1 pm by making an appointment in advance. This presentation first debuts at the Moses E. Josephs Auditorium Grand Re-Opening ceremony held on November 18, 2014

Created by Dorothy Cohler ’57, this 5-minutes, 39 frames PowerPoint Presentation narrates the life of Moses E. Josephs ’11. He was among P.S. 47’s first graduates in 1911, three years after the school’s founding. Born in Dupont, Pa., in 1893, Moses moved to New York City to attend P.S. 47. His love for and contributions for the school never wavered, and he attended every graduation ceremony until he passing at the age of 90.
Quoted Moses’ son Ira Josephs, February 7, 2007:
My father was a man ahead of his time. Throughout his life, he pored through newspapers, kept himself aware of political trends, lived and died with the Brooklyn Dodgers, and was active in many deaf societies, associations and clubs in the New York City Area.
To the end he was curious, always wanting to know what was on the other side of the mountain and, I am sure, that he had more to offer, the world, than was asked.
To make an appointment, please e-mail to or send us a letter.
Page last updated: October 16, 2014